GPix? million dollar homepage?

GPix Software
Familiar with this picture ? if not just take a look at Alex tiew's Million Dollar Homepages!

He make a million bucks just by selling ad base on pixel! And now here is your chance to make a million too! and if not a million..half a million?:)

i saw this ad on one of the most read blog in asia...xiaxue. Now you can grab the software for free! included the instructions to install on the server! Don't read this till the end. Go get the software now! while its still available for FREE!

and for those who love tutorials i suggest you bookmarks this site to add into your tutorial sites collections. Tons of tutorial included anything that relate to computer, net and legal writup! go check by yourself -

Till next post...have a nice weekdays! Hope can make a thousand bucks if not a million!:)

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